Thursday, July 31, 2008

NOMINATIONS ~ Monday 28th July

The heavenly housemates decided on Luke and Dale to face the public vote when they made their allowed discussions in the nominations pod this week. Mo and Rex stuck to this agreement but Stuart and Mikey didn't.

Mikey: Dale and Rex
Mo: Dale and Luke
Rex: Dale and Luke
Stuart: Darnell and Maysoon

This still left BB's favourite, Luke, to face the public vote.

So they allowed the hell hms to pass the sprinkles sorting task and the hell hms voted thus:

Dale: Mo and Darnell
Darnell: Dale and Luke
Kat: Luke and Lisa
Lisa: Rex and Dale
Luke: Kat and Rachel
Maysoon: Dale and Rex
Rachel: Luke and Lisa
Sara: Mo and Rachel

This still left Dale and Luke with the majority of nominations.

So, BB put all those who had discussed nominations (a rule break) up to face the public vote. Except for Mikey, who on at least two occasions this week also discussed nominations! BB are so transparent with their favourites!

So, facing the public vote this week are:

Maysoon (left)

To vote (AND REMEMBER: voting lines close Thursday night one minute before midnight):

Dial 09016 16 16 and add

02 for Dale

03 for Darnell

06 for Kat

08 for Luke

11 for Mo

12 for Rachel

14 for Rex

17 for Stuart

No votes from Ireland for the rest of BB9! From the ch4 website:

"Regrettably Channel 4 will not be in a position to open the Republic of Ireland vote for the remainder of this series of Big Brother. Despite extensive work being done to restore the Republic of Ireland vote Channel 4 is still not confident that the issue we encountered with the Belinda v Rex vote will not occur again. Our apologies for the inconvenience caused to Republic of Ireland voters."

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