Dale is also greedy and selfish. Last night after all the hms barr Kat had gone to bed, he opened the last tin of tuna and made himself a toasted tuna sandwich using the entire tin. He never even offered Kat some toast which I thought was incredibly bad manners given that he was making something for himself and there was only one other person there. But to use all the tuna was pure greed ~ he had one hell of a job packing it all on to the toast. He never stopped for one moment to consider that he should use a small bit of the can and leave the rest incase anyone wanted some in the morning. Dale is like a totally spoiled little brat and has a temper to match.
We continued to hear a constant cry of I want to go from both Dale and Stuart this week and last week and yet when they find they are facing the public vote, they backtrack ~ they don't want to go! For goodness sake make up your minds, or better still, tell the truth in the first place!
Sadly, he most probably will not go this Friday as so many want Luke out but with a bit of luck the hms will nominate him again next week and that should see the end of Dale in the BB house.
I loved watching him try to get the safe open even with the hms screaming at him that BB was telling him to stop immediately. He just ignored it completely and carried on until he was ready to stop. Naughty, but funny.
Added to that, her 1980s clothes and her stupid stories, she is seriously losing the plot. She has likened herself to Jesus (meek) and continues with crazy stories about life and her sightings of aliens and so on. She thinks the other hms are laughing with her. They're not Lisa, they're laughing at you.
BB will of course do their best to ensure he reaches that 3 ~ a point in question this week was the others being punished for nomination talk and his being let off even though on at least 2 occasions he openly discussed nominations.
He won't be evicted this week but we should see the back of him by the week after next (next week will probably be Dale's turn).